
This table contains most of the items information.


Field Type Default Comment
entry mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ key
build smallint(6) 12340 key
class tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
subclass tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
field4 int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
name1 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT  
displayid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
quality tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
flags int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
flags2 int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
buyprice int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
sellprice int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
inventorytype tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
allowableclass int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
allowablerace int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
itemlevel smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
requiredlevel tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
RequiredSkill smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
RequiredSkillRank smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
RequiredSpell mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
RequiredPlayerRank1 mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
RequiredPlayerRank2 mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
RequiredFaction smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
RequiredFactionStanding smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
Unique int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘1’  
maxcount int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
ContainerSlots tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
itemstatscount tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_type1 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_value1 smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_type2 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_value2 smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_type3 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_value3 smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_type4 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_value4 smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_type5 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_value5 smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_type6 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_value6 smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_type7 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_value7 smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_type8 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_value8 smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_type9 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_value9 smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_type10 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
stat_value10 smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
ScaledStatsDistributionId smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
ScaledStatsDistributionFlags int(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
dmg_min1 float NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
dmg_max1 float NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
dmg_type1 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
dmg_min2 float NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
dmg_max2 float NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
dmg_type2 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
armor smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
holy_res tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
fire_res tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
nature_res tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
frost_res tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
shadow_res tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
arcane_res tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
delay smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘1000’  
ammo_type tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
range float NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellid_1 mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spelltrigger_1 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcharges_1 smallint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcooldown_1 int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
spellcategory_1 smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcategorycooldown_1 int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
spellid_2 mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spelltrigger_2 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcharges_2 smallint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcooldown_2 int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
spellcategory_2 smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcategorycooldown_2 int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
spellid_3 mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spelltrigger_3 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcharges_3 smallint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcooldown_3 int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
spellcategory_3 smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcategorycooldown_3 int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
spellid_4 mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spelltrigger_4 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcharges_4 smallint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcooldown_4 int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
spellcategory_4 smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcategorycooldown_4 int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
spellid_5 mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spelltrigger_5 tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcharges_5 smallint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcooldown_5 int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
spellcategory_5 smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
spellcategorycooldown_5 int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
bonding tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
description varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT  
page_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
page_language tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
page_material tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
quest_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
lock_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
lock_material tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
sheathID tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
randomprop mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
randomsuffix mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
block mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
itemset mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
MaxDurability smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
ZoneNameID mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
mapid smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
bagfamily mediumint(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
TotemCategory mediumint(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
socket_color_1 tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
unk201_3 mediumint(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
socket_color_2 tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
unk201_5 mediumint(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
socket_color_3 tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
unk201_7 mediumint(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
socket_bonus mediumint(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
GemProperties mediumint(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
ReqDisenchantSkill smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘-1’  
ArmorDamageModifier float NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
existingduration int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
ItemLimitCategoryId smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
HolidayId int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  
food_type smallint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’  


The entry ID of the item.


Build number to determine if the data is for our current compiled version.


0  = Consumables
1  = Bags
2  = Weapons
3  = Gems
4  = Armor
5  = Reagent
6  = Projectiles
7  = Trade goods
9  = Recipes, Patterns, Plans
10 = Marks of honor, badges, etc.
11 = Quiver and ammo pounches
12 = Questitems
13 = Keys
14 = Mount (PERMANENT)
15 = Miscellaneous
16 = Glyphs


Class = 0 => Consumables

0 = Consumable
1 = Potions
2 = Elixirs
3 = Flasks
4 = Scrolls
5 = Food & Drinks
6 = Item Enhancements
7 = Bandages
8 = Other

Class = 1 => Bags

1 = Soul Bag
2 = Herb Bag
3 = Enchanting Bag
4 = Engineering Bag
5 = Gem Bag
6 = Mining Bag
7 = Leatherworking Bag
8 = Inscription Bag

Class = 2 => Weapons

0 = Axe (1-handed)
1 = Axe (2-handed)
2 = Bow
3 = Gun
4 = Mace (1-handed)
5 = Mace (2-handed)
6 = Polearm
7 = Sword (1-handed)
8 = Sword (2-handed)
9 = UNKNOWN - not used
10 = Staff
11 = UNKNOWN - not used
12 = UNKNOWN - not used
13 = Fist Weapon
14 = Misc Weapon
15 = Dagger
16 = Thrown
17 = UNKNOWN Spear (Used only for Argent Tournament Lances) - not used
18 = Crossbow
19 = Wand
20 = Fishing Pole

Class = 3 => Gems

0 = Red
1 = Blue
2 = Yellow
3 = Purple
4 = Green
5 = Orange
6 = Meta
7 = Simple
8 = Prismatic

Class = 4 => Armor

 0 = Miscellaneous
 1 = Cloth
 2 = Leather
 3 = Mail
 4 = Plate
 6 = Shields
 7 = Librams
 8 = Idols
 9 = Totems
10 = Sigils

Class = 6 => Projectiles

    2 = Arrows
    3 = Bullets

Class = 7 => Trade goods

0 = Normal trade goods
1 = Projectile parts
2 = Projectile explosives
3 = Projectile devices

Class = 9 => Recipes, Patterns, Plans

0 = Recipe Book
1 = Leatherworking
2 = Tailoring
3 = Engineering
4 = Balacksmithing
5 = Cooking
6 = Alchemy
7 = First Aid
8 = Enchanting
9 = Fishing

Class = 11 => Quiver and ammo pounches

2 = Quiver
3 = Quiver Ammo Pounch

Class = 15 => Miscellaneous

0 = Junk
1 = Reagents        - not used
2 = non-combat pets - not used
3 = Holiday items   - not used
4 = Other           - not used
5 = Mounts          - not used


Not used…


The name of the item.


The display ID of the item.


 0 = Poor
 1 = Common
 2 = Uncommon
 3 = Rare
 4 = Epic
 5 = Legendary
 6 = Artifact
 7 = Heirloom


1          =    ITEM_FLAG_SOULBOUND        = 0x1,      // not used in proto
2          =    ITEM_FLAG_CONJURED         = 0x2,
4          =    ITEM_FLAG_LOOTABLE         = 0x4,
8          =    ITEM_FLAG_WRAPPED          = 0x8,      // not used in proto
16         =    ITEM_FLAG_BROKEN           = 0x10,     // many equipable items and bags
32         =    ITEM_FLAG_INDESTRUCTIBLE   = 0x20,     // can't destruct this item
64         =    ITEM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_07       = 0x40,     // many consumables
128        =    ITEM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_08       = 0x80,     // only 1 wand uses this
256        =    ITEM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_09       = 0x100,    // some wands & relics
512        =    ITEM_FLAG_WRAP_GIFT        = 0x200,
1024       =    ITEM_FLAG_CREATE_ITEM      = 0x400,    // probably worng
2048       =    ITEM_FLAG_FREE_FOR_ALL     = 0x800,    // can be looted ffa
4096       =    ITEM_FLAG_REFUNDABLE       = 0x1000,
8192       =    ITEM_FLAG_SIGNABLE         = 0x2000,   // charts
16384      =    ITEM_FLAG_READABLE         = 0x4000,   // may be worng
32768      =    ITEM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_16       = 0x8000,
65536      =    ITEM_FLAG_EVENT_REQ        = 0x10000,  // may be wrong
131072     =    ITEM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_18       = 0x20000,
262144     =    ITEM_FLAG_PROSPECTABLE     = 0x40000,
524288     =    ITEM_FLAG_UNIQUE_EQUIP     = 0x80000,
1048576    =    ITEM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_21       = 0x100000, // not used in proto
2097152    =    ITEM_FLAG_USEABLE_IN_ARENA = 0x200000, // useable in arenas
4194304    =    ITEM_FLAG_THROWN           = 0x400000,
8388608    =    ITEM_FLAG_SHAPESHIFT_OK    = 0x800000,
16777216   =    ITEM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_25       = 0x1000000,
33554432   =    ITEM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_26       = 0x2000000,
67108864   =    ITEM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_27       = 0x4000000,
134217728  =    ITEM_FLAG_ACCOUNTBOUND     = 0x8000000,
268435456  =    ITEM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_29       = 0x10000000,
536870912  =    ITEM_FLAG_MILLABLE         = 0x20000000,
1073741824 =    ITEM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_31       = 0x40000000,
2147483648 =    ITEM_FLAG_UNKNOWN_32       = 0x80000000


1   = Horde only
2   = Alliance only
4   = Ext. cost requires gold
256 = Need roll disabled


The cost (in copper) if a character bought this item from a vendor.


The money (in copper) a character get by selling it to a vendor.


0  = Non-Equip
1  = Head
2  = Neck
3  = Shoulders
4  = Body
5  = Chest
6  = Waist
7  = Legs
8  = Feet
9  = Wrists
10 = Hands
11 = Finger
12 = Trinket
13 = Weapon
14 = Shield
15 = Ranged
16 = Cloak
17 = Two-Hand Weapon
18 = Bag
19 = Tabard
20 = Robe
21 = Weapon-Main Hand
22 = Weapon-Off Hand
23 = Holdable
24 = Ammo
25 = Thrown
26 = Ranged(right)
27 = Quiver
28 = Relic


  -1 = Any Class
   1 = Warrior
   2 = Paladin
   4 = Hunter
   8 = Rogue
  16 = Priest
  32 = Deathknight
  64 = Shaman
 128 = Mage
 256 = Warlock
1024 = Druid

If you allow only two or three classes to use this item, simply add up the values.


  -1 = All races
   1 = Human
   2 = Orc
   3 = Dwarf
   4 = Nightelf
   5 = Undead
   6 = Tauren
   7 = Gnome
   8 = Troll
  10 = Bloodelf
  11 = Dranei 
 690 = All Horde races
1101 = All Alliance races


The value of the item level.


The required level to use this item.


The required skill to use this item.


The required rank of the skill (defined in “RequiredSkill”) to use this item.


The required Spell ID to use this item.




The faction ID which is required.


The required faction standing for the defined “RequiredFaction” ID.

For more information, take a look at playerreputations table. (Rows “factions” and “standing”)


0 = Normal (not unique, standard)
1 = Unique


This defines the maximum stack count of this item in one slot.


Defines how many container slots the item (bag) brings with it. (Currently there are maximum 16 slots reserved for containers.)



The type of stat of the item.

 0 = Power
 1 = Health
 2 = UNKNOWN - not used
 3 = Agility
 4 = Strength
 5 = Intellect
 6 = Spirit
 7 = Stamina
11 = Weapon skill rating
12 = Defense rating
13 = Dodge rating
14 = Parry rating
15 = Shield block rating
16 = Melee hit rating
17 = Ranged hit rating
18 = Spell hit rating
19 = Melee critical strike rating
20 = Ranged critical strike rating
21 = Spell critical strike rating
22 = Melee hit avoidance rating
23 = Ranged hit avoidance rating
24 = Spell hit avoidance rating
25 = Melee critical avoidance rating
26 = Ranged critical avoidance rating
27 = Spell critical avoidance rating
28 = Melee haste rating
29 = Ranged haste rating
30 = Spell haste rating
31 = Hit rating
32 = Critical strike rating
33 = Hit avoidance rating
34 = Critical avoidance rating
35 = Resilence rating
36 = Haste rating
37 = Expertise rating
38 = Attackpower
39 = Ranged attackpower
40 = Feral attackpower
41 = Spell healing done
42 = Spell damage done
43 = Mana regeneration
44 = Armor penetration rating
45 = Spell power
46 = Health regent
47 = Spell penetration 
48 = Block value


The value for the stat type.

(These values affect the characters stats by wearing this item).


The scaling stat distribution ID (from .dbc).


0 = Scaling stat stat? what?         - not used
1 = Scaling stat armor               - not used
2 = Scaling stat damage              - not used
3 = Scaling stat spell power         - not used


The minimum/maximum damage of a weapon.


0 = Physical
1 = Holy
2 = Fire
3 = Nature
4 = Frost
5 = Shadow
6 = Arcane


The armor value of the item.


The resistance value against the attacking damage types.


The time in milliseconds between the weapon hit a enemy (again).


The type ammunition the item use:

0 = no ammunition
1 = wand (shots)
2 = arrows (bows)
3 = bullets (pistoles)


The range in feets for a ranged weapon.


The spell ID on the item.


The type how the spell triggers:

0 = On use
1 = On equip
2 = Chance on hit
4 = Soulstone
5 = No delay - not used
6 = Learn spell ID


The number of times the item can cast the spell.

0 = infinite charges

If the number of charges is a negative value, the item deletes itself.


The cooldown for the spell in milliseconds. (If this value = -1, the normal cooldown of this spell is used)


The spellcategory of the spell.


The cooldown for the spellcategory in milliseconds. (If this value = -1, the normal cooldown of this spellcategory is used)


This field defines, how the item is bind to the character.

0 = None
1 = On pickup
2 = On equip
3 = On use
4 = Quest bound
5 = Quest bound (Is handled like type 4)


The item description at the bottom of tooltip.


The page ID from item_pages (Used for books etc.)


The page text language:

 0 = Universal (everybody can read)
 1 = Orcish
 2 = Darnassian
 3 = Taurahe
 6 = Dwarvish
 7 = Common
 8 = Demonic
 9 = Titan
10 = Thelassian
11 = Draconic
12 = Kalimag
13 = Gnomish
14 = Troll
33 = Gutterspeak
35 = Dranei


The material of the page:

1 = Parchment
2 = Stone
3 = Marble
4 = Silver
5 = Bronze
6 = Valentine
7 = Illidan


The quest entry ID from quest_properties table to start the quest.


The lock ID this item match (key to open a door) to field “Sound1” in gameobject_properties table.


The type of material (controles the sound by moving this item)

-1 = Consumabels
 0 = Undefined
 1 = Metal
 2 = Wood
 3 = Liquid
 4 = Jewelry
 5 = Chain
 6 = Plate
 7 = Cloth
 8 = Leather


The sheath type to controle the action by using “Z” hotkey:

1 = Weapon (two handed)
2 = Staff
3 = Weapon (one handed)
4 = Shield
5 = Enchanter's rod
6 = Weapon (off hand)


This field defines the random property “group”. This field gets filles with the entry ID from item_randomprop_groups table.

NOTE!: It exists no item with a randomprop and randomsuffix value. Make shure that only one of these values links to an other table!


This field defines the random suffix “group”. This field gets filles with the entry ID from item_randomsuffix_groups table.

NOTE!: It exists no item with a randomprop and randomsuffix value. Make shure that only one of these values links to an other table!


The value for the block (for shields…)


The ID of the itemset. Items can be grouped by this ID (They are added all by using “.add itemset "

> 0 A normal set
= 0 no set
< 0 is linked to an positive itemset.

itemset (Added in table itemset_linked_itemsetbonus to an positive itemsetid).


Maximum durability on item (for equippable items)


The name ID of the Zone the item can be used in.


The map ID where the item can be used on.


    1 = Arrows (Quivers)
    2 = Bullets (Ammo pouches)
    4 = Soul Shards (Soul bags)
    8 = Leatherworking Supplies (Leatherworking supply bags)
   16 = Inscription supplies (Inscriber supply bags)
   32 = Herbalism supplies (Herbalism bags)
   64 = Enchanting Supplies (Enchanting bags)
  128 = Engineering Supplies (Tngineering toolboxes)
  256 = Keys (Keyring)
  512 = Jewelcrafting supplies (JC toolboxes)
 1024 = Mining Supplies (Mining toolboxes)
 2048 = Soulbound Equipment - not used
 4096 = Vanity Pets - not used
 8192 = Currency
16384 = Quest items


  1 = Skinning Knife (OLD)
  2 = Earth Totem
  3 = Air Totem
  4 = Fire Totem
  5 = Water Totem
  6 = Runed Copper Rod
  7 = Runed Silver Rod
  8 = Runed Golden Rod
  9 = Runed Truesilver Rod
 10 = Runed Arcanite Rod
 11 = Mining Pick (OLD)
 12 = Philosopher's Stone
 13 = Blacksmith Hammer (OLD)
 14 = Arclight Spanner
 15 = Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor
 21 = Master Totem
 41 = Runed Fel Iron Rod
 62 = Runed Adamantite Rod
 63 = Runed Eternium Rod
 81 = Hollow Quill
101 = Runed Azurite Rod
121 = Virtuoso Inking Set
141 = Drums
161 = Gnomish Army Knife
162 = Blacksmith Hammer
165 = Mining Pick
166 = Skinning Knife
167 = Hammer Pick
168 = Bladed Pickaxe
169 = Flint and Tinder
189 = Runed Cobalt Rod
190 = Runed Titanium Rod


1 = Meta socket
2 = Red socket
4 = Yellow socket
8 = Blue socket


Amount of Gems in Meta socket




3312 = +8 Strength
3313 = +8 Agility
3305 = +12 Stamina
3353 = +8 Intellect
2872 = +9 Healing
3753 = +9 Spell Power
3877 = +16 Attack Power


The gem properties ID from .dbc.


The required disenchanting skill level…



Item duration in seconds.


The item limit category ID from .dbc. defines the maximum amount of this item category.


The holliday name ID (points to HolidayNames.dbc)


The food type itself.

1 = Meat
2 = Fish
3 = Cheese
4 = Bread
5 = Fungus
6 = Fruit
7 = Raw Meat
8 = Raw Fish