Command Tables


Subcommand Access Description Usage
create a Creates an account .account create (account_name) (password)
ban a Bans account. .account ban (account_name) (duration) (reason_text)
changepw 0 Change your own password .account changepw (current_pw) (new_pw) (new_pw)
level z Sets gm level on account. Pass it username and 0,1,2,3,az, etc. .account level (acc_id) (level)
mute a Mutes account for (timeperiod). .account mute (acc_id)
unban z Unbans account. .account unban (account_name)
unmute a Unmutes account (x) .account unmute (acc_id)


Subcommand Access Description Usage
complete m completes achievements id .achieve complete (id)
criteria m completes the specified achievement criteria .achieve criteria (id)
reset m resets achievements id .achieve reset (id)


Subcommand Access Description Usage
castall z Makes all players online cast spell (x). .admin castall (spell id)
dispelall z Dispels all negative (or positive w/ 1) auras on all players. .admin dispelall (spell id)
masssummon z Summons all online players to your location .admin masssummon (optional h or a for Horde/Alliance)
playall z Plays a sound to everyone on the realm. .admin playall (sound_id)



Access: u

Description: Sends Msg To All

Usage: .announce (text to announce)


Subcommand Access Description Usage
createteam e Creates arena team with (type) (name) for targeted player. .arena createteam (type) (name)
setteamleader e Sets the arena team leader for (type) for targeted player (if he is a member of a arena team with type. .arena setteamleader(type)
resetallratings z Resets all arena teams to their default rating .arena resetallratings


2 = 2v2
3 = 3v3
5 = 5v5


Access: u

Description: Sends Widescreen Msg To All

Usage: .wannounce (text to announce)

.ban and .unban

.ban Subcommand Access Description Usage
all a Bans account, ip, and character. .ban all (char_name) (duration) (reason_text)
character b Bans character. .ban character (char_name) (duration) (reason_text)
ip m Adds an address to the IP ban table. .ban ip (ip_address) (duration) (reason_text)
.unban Subcommand Access Description Usage
character b Unbans character. .unban character (char_name)
ip m Deletes an address from the IP ban table. .unban ip (ip_address)

Note: The (duration) for the ban commands includes a value and the types: (h)hours, (d)days, (w)weeks, (m)months, (y)years, default minutes For example: .ban char (char_name) 30 = bans char for 30 minutes .ban char (char_name) 15d = bans char for 15 days .ban char (char_name) 1w = bans char for 1 week


Subcommand Access Description Usage
forceinitqueue z Forces initialization of all battlegrounds with active queue. .battleground forceinitqueue
getqueue z Gets common battleground queue information. .battleground getqueue
info e Displays information about current battleground. .battleground info
leave e Leaving the current battleground. .battleground leave
menu e Shows BG Menu .battleground menu
pause e Pauses current battleground match. .battleground pause
playsound e Plays sound_id to all characters in the current bg. .battleground playsound (sound_id)
start e Starts current battleground match. .battleground start
setscore e Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments. .battleground setscore (Teamid) (Score)
setstatus e NYI .battleground setstatus (status)
setworldstate e Var can be in hex. WS Value. .battleground setworldstate (var)
setworldstates e Var can be in hex. WS Value. .battleground setworldstate (var)


Subcommand Access Description Usage
add m Shows .character add commands .character add
set m Shows .character set commands .character set
list m Shows .character list commands .character list
clearcooldowns m Clears all cooldowns for your class .character clearcooldowns
demorph m Demorphs targeted character from morphed model .char demorph
levelup m Adds x level to targeted character. .char levelup (levels)
removeauras m Removes all auras from target .character removeauras
removesickness m Removes resurrection sickness from the target .char removesickness
learn m Learns spell to targeted character. .char learn (spell_id)
unlearn m Unlearns spell of targeted character. .char unlearn (spell_id)
learnskill m Learns skill targeted character. .char learnskill (skill_id) (optional) (value) (maxvalue)
advanceskill m Advances skill line x times.. .char advanceskill (skill_id) (amount, optional, default = 1)
removeskill m Removes skill_id of the targeted character. .char removeskill (skill_id)
increaseweaponskill m Increase equipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1). .char increaseweaponskill (count)
resetreputation n Resets reputation to character start level. .char resetreputation
resetspells n Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS. .char resetspells
resettalents n Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS. .char resettalents
resetskills n Resets all skills of targeted character. .char resetskills
removeitem m Removes item x count y from targeted char inventory. .char removeitem (item_entry) (count)
advanceallskills m Advances all skills (x) points. .char advanceallskills (skill_level)

.char add

Subcommand Access Description Usage
copper m Adds amount of copper (x) the selected target. .char add copper (copper)
silver m Adds amount of silver (x) the selected target. .char add silver (silver)
gold m Adds amount of gold (x) the selected target. .char add gold (gold)
honorpoints m Adds x amount of honor points/currency .char add honorpoints (points)
honorkills m Adds x amount of honor kills .char add honorkills (kills)
item m Adds item x count y to targeted char inventory. .char add item (item_entry) (count)
itemset m Adds item set to targeted char inventory. .char add itemset (itemset_id)

.char set

Subcommand Access Description Usage
allexplored m Reveals the unexplored parts of the map. .char set allexplored
gender m Changes gender of target. 0=male, 1=female. .char set gender (gender)
itemsrepaired n Sets all items repaired for selected player .char set itemsrepaired
level m Sets level of selected target to (x). .char set level (x)
name m Renames character x to y. .char set name (current_name) (new_name)
phase m Sets phase of selected player .char set phase (phase)
speed m Sets speed of the selected target to (x). .char set speed (speed)
name m Renames character x to y. .char set name (current_name) (new_name)
standing m Sets standing of faction x to y. .char set standing(faction) (standing)
talentpoints m Sets available talent points of the target. .char set talentpoints (amount)
title m Sets pvp title for target .char set title (hex)
forcerename m Forces char x to rename on next login .char set forcerename (char_name)
customize m Allows char x to customize on next login .char set customize (char_name)
factionchange m Allows char x to change the faction on next login .char set factionchange (char_name)
racechange m Allows char x to change the race on next login .char set racechange (char_name)

.char list

Subcommand Access Description Usage
skills m Gets all the skills from targeted player. .char list skills
spells m Gets all the spells from targeted player. .char list spells
standing m Gets standing of faction from targeted character. .char list standing (faction_id)
items m Shows items of selected Player .char list items
kills m Shows kills of selected Player .char list kills
instances z Shows persistent instances of selected Player .char list instances


Subcommand Access Description Usage
list m Shows active cheats of targeted character. .cheat list
taxi m Toggles TaxiCheat on selected player. .cheat taxi
cooldown m Toggles CooldownCheat on selected player. .cheat cooldown
casttime m Enables no cast time cheat. .cheat casttime
power m Disables mana consumption etc. .cheat power
god m Sets god mode, prevents you from taking damage. .cheat god
fly m Sets fly mode .cheat fly
aurastack m Enables aura stacking cheat. .cheat aurastack
itemstack m Enables item stacking cheat. .cheat itemstack
triggerpass m Ignores area trigger prerequisites. .cheat triggerpass


Access: h

Description: Shows Commands

Usage: .commands


Subcommand Access Description Usage
dumpscripts d Dumps aispells to a new table creature_ai_scripts_(mapid) .debug dumpscripts (mapid)
sendcreaturemove d Requests the target creature moves to you using movement manager. .debug sendcreaturemove
dopctdamage z Do percent damage to creature target .debug dopctdamage (percent damage)
setscriptphase z ScriptPhase test .debug setscriptphase (script phase)
aicharge z AiCharge test .debug aicharge
aiknockback z AiKnockBack test .debug aiknockback
aijump z AiJump test .debug aijump
aifalling z AiFalling test .debug aifalling
movetospawn z Move target to spwn .debug movetospawn
position z Show position .debug position
setorientation z Sets orientation on npc .debug setorientation (orientation)
infront d   .debug infront
showreact d   .debug showreact (ai raction)
aimove d   .debug aimove (move) (run) (time) (method)
dist d Shows distance between you and target .debug dist
face d   .debug face
dumpstate d Dumps server state to chat .debug dumpstate
moveinfo d Shows movement info aof selected target .debug moveinfo
landwalk d   .debug landwalk
waterwalk d Enables/disables Waterwalk for selected target .debug waterwalk
castspell d Casts spell on selected target. .debug castspell (spellid)
castself d Selected target casts spell (spellId) on itself. .debug castself (spellId)
castspellne d Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc. .debug castspellne (spellid)
aggrorange d Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature. .debug aggrorange
knockback d Knocks selected target back (default target you). .debug knockback (value)
fade d calls ModThreatModifyer(). .debug fade (value)
threatMod d calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer(). .debug threatMod (value)
calcThreat d calculates threat. .debug calcThreat (dmg) (spellId)
threatList d returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature. .debug threatList
gettptime d grabs transporter travel time .debug gettptime
dumpcoords d Dumps coords to db or file (needs to be checked) .debug dumpcoords
sendpacket d Sending opcodes to you .debug (opcode ID), (data)
sqlquery d   .debug sqlquery (sql query)
rangecheck d Checks the yard range and internal range between the player and the target. .debug rangecheck
setallratings d Sets rating values to incremental numbers based on their index. .debug setallratings
testlos d tests los .debug testlos
testindoor d tests indoor .debug testindoor
getheight d Gets height .debug getheight
deathstate d returns current deathstate for target .debug deathstate
sendfailed d    
playmovie d Triggers a movie for a player .debug playmovie (movie_id)
auraupdate d (SpellID) (Flags) (StackCount) (caster guid = player target)  
auraremove d (VisualSlot)  
spawnwar d Spawns desired amount of npcs to fight with eachother .debug spawnwar (number) (npc_entry)
updateworldstate d Sets the specified worldstate field to the specified value .debug updateworldstate
initworldstates d (re)initializes the worldstates.  
clearworldstates d Clears the worldstates .debug clearworldstates
pvpcredit m Sends PVP credit packet, with specified rank and points .debug pvpcredit
calcdist d Displays distance between your current position and (x) (y) (z) .debug calcdist
dumpmovement d Dump movement .debug dumpmovement
movefall d Makes the creature fall to the ground .debug movefall


Subcommand Access Description Usage
list m Shows available event id’s .event list
start m Starts event by event_id .event start (id)
stop m Stops active event by id .event stop (id)
reset m Resets forced flags for an event .event reset (id)
reload m Reloads all events from database .event reload


Access: m

Description: Gets the current level of a skill

Usage: .getskilllevel (skill id)


Subcommand Access Description Usage
active t Set/Remove (GM) tag. .gm active
allowwhispers c Allows whispers from player while in .gm on mode. .gm allowwhispers
announce u Send an announce to all online GMs .gm announce (your announce)
blockwhispers c Blocks whispers from player revert .gm allowwhispers mode. .gm blockwhispers
devtag 1 Set/Remove (DEV) tag. .gm devtag
list 0 Shows active GM’s .gm list
logcomment t Adds a comment to the gm log .gm log (Your comment)


Subcommand Access Description Usage MyMaster
get c Gets GM Ticket list. .gmticket get Yes
getId c Gets GM Ticket by ticket ID. .gmticket getId (ticket_id) Yes
delId c Deletes GM Ticket by ticket ID. .gmticket delId (ticket_id Yes
(strike)list(/strike) c Lists all active GM Tickets. .gmticket list  
(strike)get(/strike) c Gets GM Ticket with ID x. .gmticket get (ticket_id)  
(strike)remove(/strike) c Removes GM Ticket with ID x. .gmticket remove (ticket_id)  
(strike)deletepermanent(/strike) z Deletes GM Ticket with ID x permanently. .gmticket deletepermanent (ticket_id)  
(strike)assign(/strike) c Assigns GM Ticket with id x to GM y (if empty to your self). .gmticket assign (ticket_id) (gm_name)  
(strike)release(/strike) c Releases assigned GM Ticket with ID x. .gmticket release (ticket_id)  
(strike)comment(/strike) c Sets comment x to GM Ticket with ID y. .gmticket comment (comment_text) (ticket_id)  
toggle z Toggles the ticket system status. .gmticket toggle Yes


Subcommand Access Description Usage
select o Selects the nearest GameObject to you .gobject select
selectguid o Selects the GO with GUID .gobject selectguid (guid)
delete o Deletes selected GameObject .go delete
spawn o Spawns a GameObject by entry ID .gobject spawn (entry_id)
info o Gives you information about selected GO .gobject info
damage o Damages the GO for the specified hitpoints .gobject damage (hitpoints)
rebuild o Rebuilds the selected GO. .gobject rebuild
open o Opens/Closes the selected GO. .go open
enable o Enables the selected GO for use. .gobject enable
export o Exports the current GO selected .gobject export
movehere g Moves selected GO to your position .gobject movehere
rotate g Rotates the selected GO (x-, y-,o-axis). Default o. .go rotate o (setting the rotation of GO = rotation of player)

.gobject set

Subcommand Access Description Usage
state o Sets the state byte of the selected GO .gobject set state (state_bytes)
flag o Sets the flags of the GO .gobject set flag (flags)
faction o Sets the faction of the GO .gobject set faction (faction_id)
phase o Phase selected GameObject .gobject set phase (phase_num)
scale o Sets scale of selected GO. (1 is normal) .gobject set scale (scale)
animprogress o Sets anim progress .gobject set animprogress

go* (teleport)

Subcommand Access Description Usage
gocreature v Teleports you to the creature with spawn id x. .gocreature (spawn_id)
gogameobject v Teleports you to the gameobject with spawn ID .gogameobject (spawn_id)
gostartlocation m Teleports player target to names starting location .gostartlocation (race_name)
gotrig v Teleports you to the chosen area trigger position. .gotrig (area_trigger_id)


Access: p

Description: Shows your position

Usage: .gps


Subcommand Access Description Usage
join m Force joins a guild .guild join (guild_name)
create m Creates a guild. .guild create (guild_name)
rename m Renames a guild. .guild rename (old_name) (new_name)
listmembers m Lists guildmembers and their ranks .guild members (guild_name)
removeplayer m Removes a player from a guild. .guild removeplayer (player_name)
disband m Disbands the guild of your target. .guild disband


Access: h

Description: Shows help for command

Usage: .help (command)


Subcommand Access Description Usage
create z Generically instances a map that requires instancing, mapid x y z .instance create (instancin) (map_id) (x-pos) (y-pos) (z-pos)
reset z Removes instance ID x from target player .instance reset (instance_id)
resetall m Removes all instance IDs from target player. .instance resetall
shutdown z Shutdown instance with ID x (default is current instance). .instance shutdown (instance_id)
info m Gets info about instance with ID x (default is current instance). .instance info (instance_id)
exit m Exits current instance, return to entry point. .instance exit



Access: j

Description: Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won’t attack you)

Usage: .invincible [player name]


Access: i


Usage: .invisible [player name]


Subcommand Access Description Usage
account f Disconnects the session with account by name. .kick account (account_name) (reason)
ip f Disconnects the session by ip address. .kick ip (ip_address) (reason)
player f Disconnects the player by player name. .kick player (player_name) (reason)

Note: The value (reason) is optional


Access: r

Description: Kills selected unit

Usage: .kill (to kill a selected unit.) or: .kill (playername) (to kill a player with name (playername))


Access: 1

Description: Adds a comment to the GM log for the admins to read

Usage: .logcomment (text to log)


Subcommand Access Description Usage
achievement l Looks up achievement by name. .lookup achievement (achievement name)
creature l Looks up creature by name. .lookup creature (creature name)
faction l Looks up faction by name. .lookup faction (faction name)
item l Looks up item by name. .lookup item (item name)
object l Looks up gameobject by name. .lookup object (gameobject name)
quest l Looks up quest by title. .lookup quest (quest title)
skill l Looks up skill by name. .lookup skill (skill name)
spell l Looks up spell by name. .lookup spell (spell name)


Subcommand Access Description Usage
hp m Modifies health points (HP) of selected target .modify hp (value)
mana m Modifies mana points (MP) of selected target. .modify mana (value)
rage m Modifies rage points of selected target. .modify rage (value)
energy m Modifies energy points of selected target. .modify energy (value)
runicpower m Modifies runic power points of selected target. .modify runicpower (value)
strength m Modifies the strength value of the selected target. .modify strength (value)
agility m Modifies the agility value of the selected target. .modify agility (value)
intelligence m Modifies the intelligence value of the selected target. .modify int (value)
spirit m Modifies the spirit value of the selected target. .modify spirit (value)
armor m Modifies the armor of selected target. .modify armor (value)
holy m Modifies the holy resistance of selected target. .modify holy (value)
fire m Modifies the fire resistance of selected target. .modify fire (value)
nature m Modifies the nature resistance of selected target. .modify nature (value)
frost m Modifies the frost resistance of selected target. .modify frost (value)
shadow m Modifies the shadow resistance of selected target. .modify frost (value)
arcane m Modifies the arcane resistance of selected target. .modify arcane (value)
damage m Modifies the damage done by the selected target. .modify damage (value)
ap m Modifies the attack power of the selected target. .modify ap (value)
rangeap m Modifies the range attack power of the selected target. .modify rangeap (value)
scale m Modifies the scale of the selected target (1 is normal scale). .modify scale (value)
nativedisplayid m Modifies the native display identifier of the target. .modify nativedisplayid (new_displayid)
displayid m Modifies the display identifier (DisplayID) of the target. .modify displayid (display_id)
flags m Modifies the flags of the selected target. .modify flags (value)
faction m Modifies the faction template of the selected target. .modify faction (faction_id)
dynamicflags m Modifies the dynamic flags of the selected target. .modify dynamicflags (value)
happiness m Modifies the happiness value of the selected pet. .modify happiness (value)
boundingraidius m Modifies the bounding radius of the selected target. .modify boundinfradius (value)
combatreach m Modifies the combat reach of the selected target. .modify combatreach (value_in_feet)
emotestate m Modifies the Unit emote state of the selected target. .modify npcemotestate (emote_id)
bytes0 m WARNING! Modifies the bytes0 entry of selected target. .modify bytes0 (values)
bytes1 m WARNING! Modifies the bytes1 entry of selected target. .modify bytes1 (values)
bytes2 m WARNING! Modifies the bytes2 entry of selected target. .modify bytes2 (values)



Access: m

Description: Mounts into specified modelid

Usage: .mount (model_id)


Access: h

Description: Dismounts selected target

Usage: .dismount


Subcommand Access Description Usage
addagent n   .npc addagent (agent) (procEvent) (procChance) (procCount) (spellId) (spellType) (spelltargetType) (spellCooldown) (floatMisc1) (Misc2)
addtrainerspell m Adds trainer spell to trainer .npc addtrainerspell (spell id) (training cost) (required spell id) (required player level) (delete spell id)
set 0 Shows set subcommands .npc set
vendoradditem n Adds to vendor .npc vendoradditem (item_entry) (count)
vendorremoveitem n Removes from vendor. .npc vendorremoveitem (item_entry)
delete n Deletes targetd mob from world. .npc delete .npc delete 1 (removes creature from creature_spawns table).
info n Displays information of the targeted npc. .npc info
listAgent n   .npc listAgent
say n Makes selected mob say text (text). .npc say (text)
yell n Makes selected mob yell text (text). .npc yell (Text)
come n Makes npc move to your position .npc come
return n Returns ncp to spawnpoint. .npc return
spawn n Spawns npc of entry (id) .npc spawn
respawn n Respawns a dead npc from its corpse. .respawn
possess n Possess an npc (mind control) .npc possess
unpossess n Unpossess any currently possessed npc. .npc unpossess
select n selects npc closest .npc select
follow m Sets selected npc to follow you .npc npcfollow
stopfollow m Sets npc to not follow anything .npc nullfollow
listloot m displays possible loot for the selected NPC. .npc listloot (quality_id)
cast n Makes the selected NPC cast this spell. .npc cast (spellid)

.npc set

Subcommand Access Description Usage
canfly n Toggles selected NPC CanFly state .npc set canfly (save)
emote n Sets emote state of the targeted npc. .npc set emote (emote_id) (sets emote temporarily) .npc set emote (emote)
equip m Equipping selected npc. .npc set equip (slot) (itemid) (to equip item) .npc set equip (slot) 0 (to remove equiped item) Slots: 0 =melee, 1 = offhand, 2 = ranged
formationmaster m Sets formation master. .npc set formationmaster to you
flags m Change flags for creature spawn. You may dclear your cache. .npc set flags (flags) .npc set flags (flags)
phase n Sets phase of selected creature. .npc set (phase) .npc set phase (phase)
standstate m Change standstate for creature spawn. .npc set standstate (standstate) .npc set standstate (standstate)


Subcommand Access Description Usage
create m Creates a pet with (entry). .pet create (entry_id)
dismiss m Dismisses selected pet. .pet dismiss
rename m Renames a selected. .pet rename (name)
removespell m Removes pet spell for selected pet. .pet removespell (spell_id)
setlevel m Sets pet level of selected pet. .pet setlevel (level)


Access: m

Description: Displays informations about the selected or given character

Usage: .playerinfo [player name]


Subcommand Access Description Usage
addboth 2 Add quest (id) to the targeted NPC as start & finish .quest addboth (questid)
addfinish 2 Add quest (id) to the targeted NPC as finisher .quest addfinish (questid)
addstart 2 Add quest (id) to the targeted NPC as starter .quest addstart (questid)
delboth 2 Delete quest (id) from the targeted NPC as start & finish .quest delboth (questid)
delfinish 2 Delete quest (id) from the targeted NPC as finisher .quest delfinish (questid)
delstart 2 Delete quest (id) from the targeted NPC as starter .quest delstart (questid)
complete 2 Complete/Finish quest (id) .quest complete (questid)
fail 2 Fail quest (id) .quest fail (questid)
finisher 2 Lookup quest finisher for quest (id) .quest finisher (questid)
item 2 Lookup itemid necessary for quest (id) .quest item (questid)
list 2 Lists the quests for the npc (id) .quest list (npc entry_id)
load 2 Loads quests from database .quest load
giver 2 Lookup quest giver for quest (id) .quest giver (questid)
remove 2 Removes the quest (id) from the targeted player .quest remove (questid)
reward 2 Shows reward for quest (id) .quest reward (questid)
status 2 Lists the status of quest (id) .quest status (questid)
start 2 Starts quest (id) .quest start (questid)
startspawn 2 Port to spawn location for quest (id) (starter) .quest startspawn (questid)
finishspawn 2 Port to spawn location for quest (id) (finisher) .quest finishspawn (questid)


Subcommand Access Description Usage
list q List all recall locations. .recal list
add q Add current position to recall location .recal add (recal_name)
del q Remove a recall location by name .recal del (recal_name)
port q Ports you to recalled location .recal port (recal_name)
portplayer m Ports specified player to a recalled location .recal portplayer (playername)
portus m Ports you and the targeted character to recalled location .recal portus (recal_name)


Access: r

Description: Revives you, or a selected player

Usage: .revive (revives target or self) or .revive (playername) (revives player with name (playername))



Access: b

Description: Roots the target

Usage: .root


Access: b

Description: Unroots the target

Usage: .unroot


Subcommand Access Description Usage
setmotd m Sets MOTD text. .server setmotd (text)
rehash z Reloads config file. .server rehash
reloadtable m Do not use this command on a productive server!! .server reloadtable (table_name)
shutdown z Initiates server shutdown in (x) seconds (30 by default). .server shutdown (seconds)
restart z Initiates server restart in (x) seconds (30 by default). .server restart (seconds)
cancelshutdown z Cancels a Server Restart/Shutdown. .server cancelshutdown
save s Save’s targeted character .server save
saveall s Save’s all online characters .server saveall
info 0 Server info (Onlinetime, max online players,…) .server info

.server reloadtable

NOTE: Do not use these commands on a productive server!!!

Subcommand Access Description Usage
gameobjects z Reload gameobjets  
creatures z Reload creatures  
areatriggers z Reload areatriggers table  
command_overrides z Reload command_overrides table  
fishing z Reload fishing table  
gossip_menu_option z Reload gossip_menu_option table  
graveyards z Reload graveyards table  
items z Reload items table  
itempages z Reload itempages table  
npc_script_text z Reload npc_script_text table  
npc_text z Reload npc_text table  
pet_level_abilities z Reload pet_level_abilities table  
player_xp_for_level z Reload player_xp_for_level table  
points_of_interest z Reload points_of_interest table  
quests z Reload quests table  
teleport_coords z Reload teleport_coords table  
worldbroadcast z Reload worldbroadcast table  
worldmap_info z Reload worldmap_info table  
worldstring_tables z Reload worldstring_tables table  
zoneguards z Reload zoneguards table  


Subcommand Access Description Usage
list c Shows all active tickets .ticket list
listall c Shows all tickets in the database .ticket listall
get c Returns the content of the specified ID .ticket get (ticketID)
close c Close ticket with specified ID .ticket close (ticketID) (comment)
delete a Delete ticket by specified ID .ticket delete (ticketID)

teleport and summon

Subcommand Access Description Usage
appear v You appear at the chosen character position. .appear (char_name)
summon v Summons character by name to your position .summon (char_name)
worldport v Ports you to given map and coordination .worldport (map_id) (x-position) (y-position) (z-position)


Subcommand Access Description Usage
info m Displays the current transport info .transport info
spawn m Spawns transport with entry/period in current instance .transport spawn (entry:u32) (period:u32 time in ms)
start m Force starts the current transport .transport start
stop m Force stops the current transport .transport stop
getperiod m Displays the current transport period in ms .transport getperiod


Subcommand Access Description Usage
ejectpassenger m Ejects the passenger from the specified seat .vehicle ejectpassenger (seat_id)
ejectallpassengers m Ejects all passengers from targeted vehicle .vehicle ejectallpassengers
installaccessories m Installs the accessories for the selected vehicle .vehicle installaccessories
removeaccessories m Removes the accessories of the selected vehicle .vehicle removeaccessories
addpassenger m Adds a new NPC passenger to the vehicle .vehicle addpassenger (npc_entry)


Subcommand Access Description Usage
add w Add wp at current pos to selected NPC. .waypoint add
show w Show wp’s for selected creature .waypoint show
hide w Hide wp’s for selected creature .waypoint hide
delete w Delete selected wp .waypoint delete
deleteall w Delete all waypoints of the selected NOC. .waypoint deleteall