This table contains the information about the quests.
Field | Type | Default | Comment |
entry | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | key |
build | smallint(6) | 12340 | key |
ZoneId | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
sort | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
flags | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
MinLevel | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
questlevel | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
Type | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RequiredRaces | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RequiredClass | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RequiredTradeskill | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RequiredTradeskillValue | int(5) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RequiredRepFaction | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RequiredRepValue | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
LimitTime | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | NOT IMPLEMENTED! |
SpecialFlags | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | NOT USED! |
PrevQuestId | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
NextQuestId | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
srcItem | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
SrcItemCount | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
Title | char(255) | NOT NULL | |
Details | text | CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL | |
Objectives | text | CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL | |
CompletionText | text | CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL | |
IncompleteText | text | CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL | |
EndText | text | CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL | |
ObjectiveText1 | text | CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL | |
ObjectiveText2 | text | CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL | |
ObjectiveText3 | text | CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL | |
ObjectiveText4 | text | CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL | |
ReqItemId1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqItemId2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqItemId3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqItemId4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqItemId5 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqItemId6 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqItemCount1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqItemCount2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqItemCount3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqItemCount4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqItemCount5 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqItemCount6 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqKillMobOrGOId1 | int(10) | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqKillMobOrGOId2 | int(10) | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqKillMobOrGOId3 | int(10) | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqKillMobOrGOId4 | int(10) | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqKillMobOrGOCount1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqKillMobOrGOCount2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqKillMobOrGOCount3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqKillMobOrGOCount4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqCastSpellId1 | int(11) | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqCastSpellId2 | int(11) | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqCastSpellId3 | int(11) | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqCastSpellId4 | int(11) | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqEmoteId1 | int(10) | unsigned DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqEmoteId2 | int(10) | unsigned DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqEmoteId3 | int(10) | unsigned DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReqEmoteId4 | int(10) | unsigned DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewChoiceItemId1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewChoiceItemId2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewChoiceItemId3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewChoiceItemId4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewChoiceItemId5 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewChoiceItemId6 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewChoiceItemCount1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewChoiceItemCount2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewChoiceItemCount3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewChoiceItemCount4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewChoiceItemCount5 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewChoiceItemCount6 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewItemId1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewItemId2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewItemId3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewItemId4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewItemCount1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewItemCount2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewItemCount3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewItemCount4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepFaction1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepFaction2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepFaction3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepFaction4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepFaction5 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepFaction6 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepValue1 | int(10) | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepValue2 | int(10) | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepValue3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepValue4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepValue5 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepValue6 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewRepLimit | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewMoney | int(10) | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewXP | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewSpell | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
CastSpell | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
MailTemplateId | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
MailDelaySecs | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
MailSendItem | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
PointMapId | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
PointX | float | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
PointY | float | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
PointOpt | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewardMoneyAtMaxLevel | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ExploreTrigger1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ExploreTrigger2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ExploreTrigger3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ExploreTrigger4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RequiredOneOfQuest | longtext | NOT NULL | |
RequiredQuest1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RequiredQuest2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RequiredQuest3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RequiredQuest4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RemoveQuests | longtext | NOT NULL | |
ReceiveItemId1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReceiveItemId2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReceiveItemId3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReceiveItemId4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReceiveItemCount1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReceiveItemCount2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReceiveItemCount3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
ReceiveItemCount4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
IsRepeatable | int(11) | NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
bonushonor | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
bonusarenapoints | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
rewardtitleid | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
rewardtalents | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
suggestedplayers | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
detailemotecount | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
detailemote1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
detailemote2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
detailemote3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
detailemote4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
detailemotedelay1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
detailemotedelay2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
detailemotedelay3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
detailemotedelay4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
completionemotecnt | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
completionemote1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
completionemote2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
completionemote3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
completionemote4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
completionemotedelay1 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
completionemotedelay2 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
completionemotedelay3 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
completionemotedelay4 | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
completeemote | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
incompleteemote | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
iscompletedbyspelleffect | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ | |
RewXPId | int(10) | unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ |
The unique entry ID of the quest.
Build number to determine if the data is for our current compiled version.
The entry ID of the Zone
0 = -NOT SET- 1 = Epic 21 = REUSE - Old Wailing Caverns 22 = Seasonal 23 = REUSE - Old Undercity 24 = Herbalism 25 = Battlegrounds 41 = REUSE - Old Uldaman 61 = Warlock 81 = Warrior 82 = Shaman 101 = Fishing 121 = Blacksmithing 141 = Paladin 161 = Mage 162 = Rogue 181 = Alchemy 182 = Leatherworking 201 = Engineering 221 = Treasure Map 241 = REUSE - Old Sunken Temple 261 = Hunter 262 = Priest 263 = Druid 264 = Tailoring 284 = Special 304 = Cooking 324 = First Aid 344 = Legendary 364 = Darkmoon Faire 365 = Ahn'Qiraj War 366 = Lunar Festival 367 = Reputation 368 = Invasion 369 = Midsummer 370 = Brewfest 371 = Inscription 372 = Death Knight 373 = Jewelcrafting
Value | Name | Hex | Comment |
0 | QUEST_FLAG_NONE | 0x00000000 | No flag |
1 | QUEST_FLAG_DELIVER | 0x00000001 | ? |
2 | QUEST_FLAG_KILL | 0x00000002 | ? |
4 | QUEST_FLAG_SPEAKTO | 0x00000004 | ? |
8 | QUEST_FLAG_REPEATABLE | 0x00000008 | ? |
16 | QUEST_FLAG_EXPLORATION | 0x00000010 | ? |
32 | QUEST_FLAG_TIMED | 0x00000020 | ? |
64 | QUEST_FLAG_UNK1 | 0x00000040 | ? |
128 | QUEST_FLAG_REPUTATION | 0x00000080 | Not used currently: DELIVER_MORE Quest needs more than normal _q-item drops from mobs |
256 | QUEST_FLAGS_UNK2 | 0x00000100 | Not used currently: DELIVER_MORE Quest needs more than normal _q-item drops from mobs |
512 | QUEST_FLAGS_HIDDEN_REWARDS | 0x00000200 | Items and money rewarded only sent in SMSG_QUESTGIVER_OFFER_REWARD (not in SMSG_QUESTGIVER_QUEST_DETAILS or in client quest log(SMSG_QUEST_QUERY_RESPONSE)) |
1024 | QUEST_FLAGS_AUTO_REWARDED | 0x00000400 | These quests are automatically rewarded on quest complete and they will never appear in quest log client side. |
2048 | QUEST_FLAGS_TBC_RACES | 0x00000800 | Not used currently: Blood elf/Draenei starting zone quests |
4096 | QUEST_FLAGS_DAILY | 0x00001000 | Daily quest. Can be done once a day. Quests reset at regular intervals for all players. |
8192 | QUEST_FLAGS_FLAGS_PVP | 0x00002000 | activates PvP on accept |
16384 | QUEST_FLAGS_UNK4 | 0x00004000 | ? Membership Card Renewal |
32768 | QUEST_FLAGS_WEEKLY | 0x00008000 | Weekly quest. Can be done once a week. Quests reset at regular intervals for all players. |
65536 | QUEST_FLAGS_AUTOCOMPLETE | 0x00010000 | auto complete |
131072 | QUEST_FLAGS_UNK5 | 0x00020000 | has something to do with ReqItemId and SrcItemId |
262144 | QUEST_FLAGS_UNK6 | 0x00040000 | use Objective text as Complete text |
524288 | QUEST_FLAGS_AUTO_ACCEPT | 0x00080000 | quests in starting areas |
The minimum level of the character to start the quest.
The type of the quest:
0 = Normal 1 = Group 21 = Life 41 = PvP 62 = Raid 81 = Dungeon 82 = World Event 83 = Legendary 84 = Escort 85 = Heroic 88 = Raid (10) 89 = Raid (25)
Races who can accept/view this quest:
0 = All Races 1 = Human 2 = Orc 4 = Dwarf 8 = Night Elf 16 = Undead 32 = Tauren 64 = Gnome 128 = Troll 512 = Blood Elf 1024 = Draenei Special definitions: 690 = All the Hordes Races 1101 = All the Alliance Races
0 = All Classes 1 = Warrior 2 = Paladin 4 = Hunter 8 = Rogue 16 = Priest 32 = Death Knight 64 = Shaman 128 = Mage 256 = Warlock 1024 = Druid
129 = First Aid 164 = Blacksmith 165 = Leatherworking 171 = Alchemy 182 = Herbalism 185 = Cooking 186 = Mining 197 = Tailoring 202 = Engineering 333 = Enchanting 356 = Fishing 393 = Skinning 755 = Jewelcrafting 762 = Riding
The skill value of the specific Tradeskill
The ID of the Faction.
3000 = Friendly 9000 = Honored 21000 = Revered 42000 = Exalted
Not used?
The Quest Id of the previous quest.
The Quest Id of the next quest.
The Title of the Quest.
The Details of the Quest.
The Objectives of the Quest.
The completion text of the Quest.
The incomplete text of the Quest.
The end text of the Quest.
The required Item (entry) ID.
The required count of Item entry.
The entry ID of the rquired npc (to kill)
The required count of killing
(ref. to ReqKillMobOrGOId)
The required spell (ID)
The required emote Id.
Item entry ID’s from which player can choose as a quest reward. From item_properties table.
Count of each item.
ID of Item you attain when you complete the quest from item_properties table, can be mixed with rewchoiceitems.
Amount of the items you are rewarded with.
The faction ID from dbc-file.
Value of Reputation You will gain on quest finish.
Reputation value on player at which the quest wont give anymore reputation (will only disable reputation given. Quest can still be completed).
Money you earn when finishing quest (in copper (e.x. - 105075 = 10g 50s 75c) Negative value means that quest require money.
EXP your are rewarded with when you complete a custom quest.
Spell you ATTAIN when finishing quest, SHOULD BE AVOIDED (only use it if you know what you are doing).
Spell cast on the player, when they complete the quest (this SHOULD be used for teaching player spells, using the TRAINER spells).
The template of the mail from dbc “MailTemplateEntry”.
The time delay before the mail is send to the player in seconds.
The item entry ID which would be attached to the mail from item_properties table.
Money you receive when you complete the quest at the server’s max level.
Areatriggers entry ID from areatriggers players need to go to, for finishing quest.
IDs of quests that you must have completed one of to obtain this quest
The quest entry IDs the player must complete before attaining this quest.
The item entry ID the player revieves from item_properties table.
Count of item received.
0 = Not repeatable (Default) 1 = Repeatable
The amount of Honor you get when you complete the quest.
The amount of arenapoints you get when you complete the quest.
The Entry of the reward title.
The ID of a Title you get when you complete the quest (found in DBC files).
The amount of players suggested to complete the quest.