Lua IsInCombat
You can check if the user is in combat or not.
If the target is in combat it will return ‘true’, else ‘false’.
bool = pPlayer:IsInCombat()
You can for example disallow a player to gossip with an npc while in combat.
function OnGossip(pUnit, event, pPlayer)
if(pPlayer:IsInCombat() == true) then -- checks if the player is in combat
pUnit:SendChatMessageToPlayer(12, 0, "You can't use this while in combat!!", pPlayer)
pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(100, pPlayer, 0)
pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(7, "So I wasn't in combat ....", 1, 0)
pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(7, "Option 2....", 2, 0)
end -- end the if
end -- end the function
-- The user can also get in combat while in the gossip so we check again ...
function OnSelect(pUnit, event, pPlayer, id, intid, code)
pPlayer:GossipComplete() -- ends the gossip -- We want to close the gossip on both so we put it here ...
if(pPlayer:IsInCombat() == true) then -- checks if the player is in combat
pUnit:SendChatMessageToPlayer(12, 0, "You can't use this while in combat!!", pPlayer)
elseif(intid == 1) then
pUnit:SendChatMessageToPlayer(12, 0, "Nope, and you still aren't!", pPlayer)
end -- end the if
end -- end the function