Lua SetUInt32Value
UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS = 46 these are client flags (ver: 3.3.5a)
Here are some of the Unit field flags flags. These are the same flags as in the field flags in the creature_spawns table.
function FireVisual_OnSpawn(pUnit, event)
Unit field flags
enum UnitFieldFlags : uint32_t // UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS #46 - these are client flags
// Hex Bit Decimal Comments
UNIT_FLAG_NONE = 0x00000000, // 0
UNIT_FLAG_SERVER_CONTROLLED = 0x00000001, // 1 1
UNIT_FLAG_NOT_ATTACKABLE_2 = 0x00000002, // 2 2 client won't let you attack them
UNIT_FLAG_LOCK_PLAYER = 0x00000004, // 3 4 ? does nothing to client (probably wrong) - only taxi code checks this
UNIT_FLAG_PVP_ATTACKABLE = 0x00000008, // 4 8 makes players and NPCs attackable / not attackable
UNIT_FLAG_UNKNOWN_5 = 0x00000010, // 5 16 ? some NPCs have this
UNIT_FLAG_NO_REAGANT_COST = 0x00000020, // 6 32 no reagant cost
UNIT_FLAG_PLUS_MOB = 0x00000040, // 7 64 ? some NPCs have this (Rare/Elite/Boss?)
UNIT_FLAG_IGNORE_CREATURE_COMBAT = 0x00000080, // 8 128 unit will not enter combat with creatures
UNIT_FLAG_IGNORE_PLAYER_COMBAT = 0x00000100, // 9 256 unit will not enter combat with players
UNIT_FLAG_UNKNOWN_10 = 0x00000200, // 10 512 ? some NPCs have this
UNIT_FLAG_LOOTING = 0x00000400, // 11 1024
UNIT_FLAG_SELF_RES = 0x00000800, // 12 2048 ? some NPCs have this
UNIT_FLAG_PVP = 0x00001000, // 13 4096 sets PvP flag
UNIT_FLAG_SILENCED = 0x00002000, // 14 8192
UNIT_FLAG_DEAD = 0x00004000, // 15 16384 used for special "dead" NPCs like Withered Corpses
UNIT_FLAG_UNKNOWN_16 = 0x00008000, // 16 32768 ? some NPCs have this
UNIT_FLAG_ALIVE = 0x00010000, // 17 65536 ?
UNIT_FLAG_PACIFIED = 0x00020000, // 18 131072
UNIT_FLAG_STUNNED = 0x00040000, // 19 262144
UNIT_FLAG_COMBAT = 0x00080000, // 20 524288 sets combat flag
UNIT_FLAG_MOUNTED_TAXI = 0x00100000, // 21 1048576 mounted on a taxi
UNIT_FLAG_DISARMED = 0x00200000, // 22 2097152
UNIT_FLAG_CONFUSED = 0x00400000, // 23 4194304
UNIT_FLAG_FLEEING = 0x00800000, // 24 8388608 fear
UNIT_FLAG_PLAYER_CONTROLLED_CREATURE = 0x01000000, // 25 16777216
UNIT_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE = 0x02000000, // 26 33554432 cannot select the unit
UNIT_FLAG_SKINNABLE = 0x04000000, // 27 67108864
UNIT_FLAG_MOUNT = 0x08000000, // 28 134217728 ? was MAKE_CHAR_UNTOUCHABLE (probably wrong), nothing ever set it
UNIT_FLAG_UNKNOWN_29 = 0x10000000, // 29 268435456
UNIT_FLAG_FEIGN_DEATH = 0x20000000, // 30 536870912
UNIT_FLAG_UNKNOWN_31 = 0x40000000, // 31 1073741824 ? was WEAPON_OFF and being used for disarm
UNIT_FLAG_UNKNOWN_32 = 0x80000000 // 32 2147483648